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Understanding Recent Changes for Partners of Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) holders

At The Regions, we strive to keep our community informed about important immigration updates that may impact you and your loved ones. On June 26, 2024, the New Zealand government announced significant changes to the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) scheme. These modifications, detailed by Immigration New Zealand, primarily affect AEWV holders in roles classified under the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) levels 4 and 5.

What Has Changed?

As of the 26th June, AEWV holders working in ANZSCO level 4 and 5 roles that do not offer a pathway to residency can no longer support work, visitor, or student visa applications for their partners and dependent children. This change reverts the settings to those similar to the previous Essential Skills Work Visa regulations.

Who Is Affected?

  • AEWV Holders in ANZSCO Level 4 and 5 Roles without Residency Pathways: If you hold an AEWV in these roles, your partner and dependent children must now apply for their own visas to come to New Zealand, such as their own AEWV or an international student visa, provided they meet the necessary criteria.

Who Is Not Affected?

The following groups are exempt from these changes:

  • Current Visa Holders: If your partner or dependent children already hold visas based on your AEWV, these changes will not impact them.

  • AEWV Holders in Residency Pathway Roles: Those working in ANZSCO level 4 and 5 roles with a pathway to residency, such as those on the Green List or under sector agreements with residence pathways, remain unaffected. Additionally, those earning at least 1.5 times the median wage threshold for the Skilled Migrant Category are also not impacted.

  • In-Progress Applications: Any applications for partners or dependent children that are currently in progress will be assessed based on the requirements that were in place at the time of their application.

  • Partners of New Zealand Citizens or Residents: No changes have been made to the visa settings for partners of New Zealand citizens or resident visa holders.

What Does This Mean for You?

While these changes may present new challenges for some families, it is important to understand your options.

At The Regions, we are here to help you navigate these changes. Our team of experts can provide guidance and support to ensure you and your family are well informed and prepared for any necessary adjustments.

If you would like some advice around these changes, please email: or reach out to your Pastoral Care team member or your Key Account Manager.

You can read the full announcement here:


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